Andrew Moreton - Online & Onsite Training
Bristol, UK and the Internet

Adobe Photoshop Essentials Training - An Introduction

Adobe Certified training course for Adobe Photoshop

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop is for people who’ve not much or no experience with Adobe Photoshop and want to be able to learn how to enhance images, create cutouts, make montages and work with type.

While your creative juices flow, we’ll also explore everything you need to know to make your images work in print and and on the Web.

Sheena MistryMr B & Friends, Creative
Brilliant! Andrew was really easy going and understood the type of work we do and how we could improve our software skills. Looking forward to the next one!
  • Find your way around photoshop
  • Prepare images for print, the web and mobile
  • Change colours and enhance photos
  • Remove objects from pictures
  • Create cutouts
  • Airbrush and alter images
  • Design posters and leaflets
  • Make montages and mockups
Bespoke, tailored training. online and on site. 

From Bristol in the UK